Couch Potato, Sick Beard, SABnzbd tips & tricks.iTools - Copy video to iOS device without iTunes.Raspberry PI Operating System on SD-Card.HighSpeed file sharing between two Macs.Please note that clicking on Amazon links may result in a small commission for us. Qzf4qwap44z88jkdassythjcnm54upacmvmvnzgddg Use PayPal to give me a cup of coffee (select: $5, $10, $20, or custom amount)ġ6Ja1xaaFxVE4FkRfkH9fP2nuyPA1Hk7kR Donate in BitCoin Cash (BCH).Support Us Your support is highly appreciated.I hope any of this helps – if you found solution, please post it here, others may run into the same issue and find your solution helpful Reply These steps will not destroy your mac, but you can potentially do the wrong thing and screw things up. I’d be careful with those suggestions though.

In this article I found a few more tricks that may be helpful. There are a bunch of additional tricks that may help, by rebuilding the icon cache – but they are not the simplests things. MacOS caches icons it has found over time, so it is quicker at actually displaying the icon. Now repeat the steps of this article and see if it works. This forces macOS to redetermine the needed icon. (in essence: follow the steps of this article, but instead of dragging a file on it, or pasting a screenshot, we use backspace to clear it) Select the file, press COMMAND + i, select the icon, press backspace, close the “Info” window and wait a few seconds. In that case a reboot may be helpful to rebuild the icon cache.ģ) I did find another option, that seems to work for some users: I just tested these exact steps again under Catalina (macOS 10.15.5), and it still works.ġ) You probably did, but I have to ask any way: did you follow all the steps to a tee?Ģ) If the original file is a PNG image, then your Mac appears to be showing generic icons (the “PNG”) text. Hmm, that’s interesting (and a little annoying) … since I cannot reproduce this, I’ll have to do a few guessed … As you can see the name of the shortcut (due to it’s length) is not helping much either. It will use this icon for ALL web/url shortcuts you want to make … making it less obvious and less distinguishable when you have a few on your desktop. You’ll notice that the Mac automatically uses a default HTTP” icon. This being the main reason why I’m not using the usual bookmark mechanism of my browser. Just a reminder for me to look at in the next few days after which I might delete it again. I my example, I want to save a shortcut on my desktop of a website that has my dream car for sale.

However I wish Apple would use a FavIcon automatically as seen on for example iOS. The following trick seems a little cumbersome, but once you get used to it, it’s not that bad. It’s boring, it doesn’t utilize the so called FavIcon and … well it makes it more difficult to distinguish the shortcut on your desktop in case you have multiple … so how are we going to change this icon? I don’t particularly like the default HTTP” Internet shortcut utilized by MacOS.